Natural gas fuel

PAK-Volt S.A. offer is intended for:

  • final customers:
  1. Industrial customers
  2. Large companies
  3. Small and Medium Enterprises
  4. Local government bodies
  5. Real estate managers

PAK-Volt S.A. cooperates with producers and distributors of natural gas.
PAK-Volt S.A. business area covers the territory of the whole country.


Cooperation contract with Transmission Operator Gas Transmission System GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. is the guarantee of gas supply security.
PAK Volt conducts gas trading on the wholesale market based on products tailored to the needs of trading partners:
  • standard products in daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual packages (spot / forward).
  • non-standard products - the next day, week and month.
  • the delivery schedule adjusted to the needs of the contractor.
  • settlement of deliveries based on market indices.
PAK-Volt S.A. offers a commercial balancing service consisting of reporting to the transmission system operator - the entity responsible for commercial balancing for execution of gas sales agreements concluded by users of the system and keeping with them the actual difference between the quantities of gas taken and the volumes specified in those contracts for each accounting period. PAK-Volt S.A. is a member of a BALANCING GROUP. Entities interested in participating in the Group are invited to contact us directly. Gas fuel prices and other delivery conditions are based on the anticipated purchase structure and current market situation, paying particular attention to the optimization of risk, purchase costs and market price levels. Our current trading activity in gas fuels is mainly based on framework contracts, preferring the international standard of the EFET contract. We sign with our partners short and long term contracts for the purchase and sale of gas fuel.
The offer is aimed at recipients of gas fuels, including small and medium-sized companies as well as large enterprises and institutions or local government bodies.
PAK-Volt S.A. also ensures that all necessary formalities related to the change of the seller are fulfilled. The competitive advantage of the PAK-Volt S.A. offer is transparent pricing, favourable terms of payment and guarantee of price stability throughout the duration of the contract.

On the basis of the power of attorney, provided to PAK-Volt S.A. by its customers, the company provides gas seller change services to change the gas seller.